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Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful. Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy! Today, the editor brings the “ 知识集|网络营销(十) ”. Welcome to visit!


Online marketing promotion is a way of promotion based on the Internet as a medium. Based on the theory of modern marketing theory, the company uses the Internet's technology and functions to promote products or services. Brand maintenance.


Network marketing promotion can be divided into external promotion and internal promotion according to scope. According to the input, it can be divided into free promotion and paid promotion. According to the purpose, it can be divided into brand promotion, traffic promotion, sales promotion, and membership promotion.


Network marketing promotion models include search engine marketing, DSP advertising, online advertising, advertising alliances, social media marketing, soft text marketing, QR code marketing, database marketing. Search engine marketing includes search engine optimization and paid search advertisements; online advertising includes brand graphic advertisements, online video advertisements, wealthy media advertisements, text chain advertisements; advertising alliances have CPM pop -up forms, CPC clicks, CPA registration forms, CPS sales commission Forms; social media marketing include SNS marketing, IM marketing, Weibo marketing, BBS marketing.


The online marketing promotion portfolio has event marketing, word -of -mouth marketing, virus marketing, hungry marketing, and word -of -mouth marketing is focused on the recognition of consumers.


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