Swedish Police is obliged to protect children by hindering and preventing criminal activities, and evaluate the risk of human trafficking or child abduction by a non-custodial parent or by others. For this reason additional questions may be asked or other measures be taken in connection with border controls, to ensure that everything is in order, e.g. through database searches. This might be done both when children are travelling unaccompanied, and when the child is in the company of adults. Even airlines or other carriers might have their own regulations.
Swedish Police does not provide any travel forms for legal guardians, but a letter from the guardian is recommended if children travel without all legal guardians present. Name and contact info is crucial so border control can verify the information.
When minor children travel abroad without a parent or legal guardian, it is advisable that they are given a written parental consent for the travel. The document can be a written travel consent from the parents included in the child's travel documents to be presented, as required, to the authorities in the country of destination.
Under Finnish law, parents who have joint custody of a child must decide together about all matters concerning the child. One parent (or any other person) does not have the right to take the child abroad without the consent of the other parent (or both parents). Finnish law does not specify how the consent should be worded. However, please bear in mind that even if the child does leave Finland, the authorities at the border of a different country may require a written consent.
Take your travel document and a letter of consent stating that you have permission to travel alone or with a person other than your parents or legal guardians. We recommend writing a letter of consent even though Finnish national legislation does not require a child to have special documentation showing that the guardians have consented the trip.
The letter of consent can be free-form, and your guardians can prepare it themselves. The document should contain the details of the underage person, information about the trip, and the contact details and signatures of the guardians.
When a child under the age of 18 travels internationally without accompanying both guardians, border authorities may require proof that the child has their permission to travel. Otherwise the child may be in danger of being delayed or rejected entry or exit. In addition to a passport or other travel document, it is recommended that the child or accompanying persons carry documentation proving the consent of the guardian to the trip.
The data is as follows:
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