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高考命题人考察词汇主要依据是《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明》所附的词汇表或新课标词汇表。 在英语语言实际交际使用中,一词多义现象非常常见,而且也常用到常见熟词的偏僻词义,这给命题人提供了广阔的出题范围,极少受到命题限制,却给考生增加了词汇复习的备考难度


我们先来看一道高考真题原文: 【 2017全国II卷阅读B篇,真题原文 He’d been in and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what the deal was, and we didn’t talk about it.

【deal常见词义解释】 deal是个常用词,熟词常义的含义为“v. 处理;n. 买卖,大量”,而这句高考真题中的deal却与deal这个单词的熟词常义,没有一点关系。

此句中的deal恰好用到了deal这个单词的生词僻义,其意为“bad fortune or unfair treatment(坏运气;不公平的对待)”。如果不掌握这个词的生词僻义,对解答文后的阅读理解题一定会有影响。【参考译文】他一直进出医院。他和我都知道这种霉运意味着什么,然后我们都不谈论这种事。


熟词生义 高考必备词汇

( 第三集 )

1. spare(常见熟义:adj.多余的;备用的;空余的v:吝惜;拨出,抽出)

He spared the thief.(偏僻词义v.饶恕;放过)

Not a man was spared.无人幸免。(偏僻词义v.使幸免)

We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared.



Say that war breaks out,what will you do?(偏僻词义vt.假定,显示,表明)


This century has seen two world wars.(偏僻词义vt.有--的经验,经历,体验)


She couldn't stop him, as he shouldered his way into the house.(偏僻词义vt.使劲往里挤)

Young people should learn to shoulder the duty/blame.(偏僻词义v.承担)

6 .sound(常见熟义:n.声音)

It is important to have a sound body.(偏僻词义adj.健全的)

He can give the sound advice on diets.(偏僻词义adj.正确的,合理的)

I don't like the sound of Thomas.(偏僻词义:n.印象)

My wife is a sound sleeper.(偏僻词义adj.酣睡的)

Your idea is very sound.中肯的,合理的

7. respect(常见熟义:vt。/n尊敬;敬意)

Those children seem normal in this respect.这些孩子在这方面似乎是正常的。(偏僻词义:方面)

He has no respect for the feelings of others.(重视;尊重;维护)

8. spring(常见熟义:n春天;泉水)

Fast food restaurants are spring up all over the city.(偏僻词义v.猛然跳起)

He sprang to his feet,grabbing his keys off the coffee table.他一跃而起,一手抓起茶几上的钥匙。(偏僻词义v.猛然跳起)

His anger sprang from his suffering at the loss of the most important love that he had ever known in his life .(偏僻词义v.起源于)

9. succeed(常见熟义:v.成功)

They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him. 他们在焦急的等待谁会接替他。(偏僻词义v.继承) (v.继任)


First, one subject was trained to open a combination lock, which is an unfamiliar technology in Japan. 首先,一位测试者接受打开密码锁的训练,此项技术在日本并不常见。(偏僻词义:subject n.意思是:实验用的动物(或人)

The child is subjected to colds.(偏僻词义adj.易遭受…的)

subject sb to sth=expose sb to sth 使遭受,使经历

Arguing that as a sovereign state it could not be subject to another 's laws.(偏僻词义adj.受……支配)

He is not subject to normal discipline code.他不受一般法律条文约束。(偏僻词义adj.受……支配)


They tied with the visiting team in the game.(偏僻词义vi.打成平手)


I can't undertake that you will make a profit.(偏僻词义v.承诺;允诺;答应=promise)


I vote that we go home.(偏僻V.(口语)建议)


She is vain of her beauty.(偏僻词义adj.自负的;自视过高的)

15. wander(常见熟义:v.漫游;游荡;漫步)

Don't wander from the point.(偏僻词义v.离开原处或正道)

Her thoughts wandered back to her youth.(偏僻词义V.走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差)


The girl always wears a happy smile.(偏僻词义vt.表露,流露,面带等)

The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai. (偏僻词义v.磨损)。数以千计的游客的脚步磨损了泰山上的台阶。


Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this!(偏僻词义v:权衡;斟酌)


熟词生义 高考真题再现

20. regular常见词义: 作为形容词,意为“有规律的,定期的”。

高考真题原文】“There’s a strong need in Paris for communication,” says Maurice Frisch, a cafe La Chope regular who works as a religious instructor in a nearby church. 【原文翻译参考】“在巴黎,人们对交流有着强烈的需求,”La Chope咖啡店的一位常客莫里斯?弗里希说到,他是附近一座教堂的宗教导师。( 2015 全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D篇)

在本句中regular为名词,通过常词常义引申未,偏僻词义“常客”意为“a customer who often goes to a particular shop /store, pub, restaurant,etc.常客 ”。



