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学会自我优化网站的前提是避免优化工作走捷径 - 学会正确SEO的关键步骤

As an SEO optimization specialist, it is crucial to avoid taking shortcuts in optimization work in order to effectively optimize websites. Understanding how to optimize a website by yourself is a common concern for SEO beginners. They often spend a lot of time contemplating on ways to make SEO reliable. ### How to Avoid Keyword Mistakes? When optimizing our websites, we often make mistakes such as: 1. Only focusing on Baidu keyword indexing without considering the relationship between keywords and product sales, which renders the ranking efforts futile. 2. Implementing wrong keyword optimization strategies, like excessively increasing keyword density, which is no longer a standard for Baidu to measure page relevance. 3. Attempting to rank for competitors' brand terms while ignoring potential users and their true search intent, leading to high bounce rates even if clicks are generated. ### Is Low Content Quality a Barrier? Low content quality does not necessarily refer to the length of an article. It means that beginner SEO writers often lack a coherent plan when writing SEO text, resulting in: 1. Competition between article pages, such as switching between topics like link building strategies one day and methods the next, posing a fundamental issue. 2. Writing high-competitiveness articles first followed by low-competitiveness ones, whereas new websites undergo a sandbox period and need a certain level of "selflessness" in content. It is advisable to reverse this order. 3. Unnecessarily repeating the same keywords within the same article. 4. Substituting high-quality content with lower-quality content: attempting to use slightly black hat SEO methods by first writing a high-quality content and replacing it with lower quality one once it gets indexed by Baidu. However, timely updates by Baidu will replace the content and it will remain for a period.

SEO Optimization

### The Misuse of Navigation In the realm of enterprise websites, it is common to observe numerous websites placing SEO top navigation to the bottom, primarily for user experience enhancement and potential increase in crawling frequency. However: Baidu crawlers tend to crawl pages from top to bottom, and generally only crawl a link once. Attempting to enhance crawling frequency more than what a bottom navigation achieves leads to wastage of crawling frequency, which is highly treasured for new enterprise websites. Therefore, using nofollow to mask all repetitive navigation links is recommended. ### Long-Term Neglect of Backlinks? Many novice SEO practitioners publish a plethora of original articles without achieving any rankings or traffic for their website. In reality, every website requires external link support based on the relationship between search demand and competitiveness. Without external resources for an extended period, rankings can stagnate or decline. Remember, the essence of self-optimizing a website is to avoid taking shortcuts in optimization work to ensure lasting and reliable SEO results. If this article has been beneficial to you, remember to bookmark this page for future reference. Recommended Readings: - [Exploring Methods for Achieving Seamless SEO Optimization for Enterprise Websites](#) - [Key Considerations for Early-Stage Optimization of New Websites](#) - [16 Highly Effective Marketing Strategies for the Food Industry](#) - [The Impact of Seasoned Optimization Tactics on Website SEO Rankings](#) Thank you for your attention and feel free to leave your comments, engage, like, and share this content. Your support is greatly appreciated.





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