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A Web of Your Own

M: Eric, How is the weather today?
E: It is cloudy.
M: Would you like to have a pretty spiderweb to hang on our wall.
E: Yes, that is interesting.
M: So let's go out to pick some spiderwebs, ok?
M: We need to prepare all the materials we need, talcum powder滑石粉, some black card paper, and spray adhesive喷胶. Here they are.
E: Ok.
M: Let's go, I will show you how to pick the spiderweb later. Where can we find spiderwebs?
E: On the trees, bushes and grass.
M: Ok, spy with your little eyes, and try to find different webs, we will see what kind of webs we can find.

? talcum powder 滑石粉
? a sheet of construction paper (black or another dark color)
? spray adhesive (you can buy this at most art-supply stores) 喷胶
1) Go outdoors on a warm day. Look for a nice, neat web around a plant or bush or around a door or . Make sure there is no spider on the web! 找暖和的天气到户外去,在植物或灌木丛或门或窗户周围寻找美观,整洁的蜘蛛网,确保网上没有蜘蛛!
2) When you find a web, gently sprinkle it with talcum powder. Then use two hands to hold the construction paper flat behind the web. Slowly and carefully lift the paper so that the web sticks to it. The spider won't mind. Spiders often spin new webs every day. 找到网时,请在上面轻轻撒上滑石粉。然后用两只手将纸平放在蛛网后面。慢慢小心地抬起纸张,使蛛网粘在其上。蜘蛛是不会介意的,因为它每天都在织新的网。
3) Hold the spray adhesive can about eight inches from the paper and spray the web. Set the paper down to dry. Soon the web will be ready to hang on your wall. Enjoy its beautiful shape and design. 握住喷雾粘合剂罐,使其距纸张约八英寸,然后对卷筒纸进行喷涂。将纸张放下干燥,很快蛛网就可以挂在墙上了,享受其美丽的形状和设计吧。

精美的蜘蛛网orb web

sheet web

orb web 跑了一大圈,找了好多地方,被蚊子送了好多红包,收获了几张蜘蛛网,意外看到了蜘蛛的网发生振动时,会快速跑出来,跟昨天玩的游戏一样的。

2. Craft


3. Poster



蜘蛛外观部分+蜘蛛网 见之前打卡内容。

1. Spider Life Cycle and Spider Lifespan

All the spider species generally have three stages of the life cycle:
1) The embryonic stage (egg)
? Male and female sider mate and the female then lay eggs, which vary in number from species to species.
? All the eggs are enclosed in an envelope or sac made up of strong silk.
? Depending on the spider species, there may be just a few to several hundred eggs in a single egg sac.
2) The immature stage (spiderling)
? After a few weeks, the immature spider called the spiderling hatch from the egg.
? Spiderlings are of a much smaller size and have an exoskeleton which protects them.
? They immediately disperse after hatching.
3) The sexually mature stage (adult)
? When a spider reaches maturity, they mate and start a life cycle again.
? The lifespan of spiders varies from species to species.
? Generally, female spiders have a longer lifespan than males.

Spider Lifespan
? Different species of spiders have different lifespan.
? In some species, females live longer than males. For example, the male individuals of Goliath Birdeater, a common tarantula spider, have 15 years lifespan while females live for up to 25 years.
? Southern Black Widow spiders usually have 1 to 3 years lifespan.
? Brown Recluse spiders live for 1 to 2 years.

2. Male and female spider

(1) Male Spider Facts
? Male spiders have a smaller body, larger legs, and bright colors in some species.
? In some species, they have swollen palps.
? Male spiders usually do not spin webs and are extremely active hunters.
? If kept as a pet or in the lab, male spiders usually need more space to roam.
(2) Female Spider Facts
? In most species, female spiders are bigger.
? Females are also more venomous.
? In most spider species, females spin webs.
? In some species, females have a greater lifespan than males.
(3) Difference Between Male And Female Spider
? Spiders have sexual dimorphism, which means a difference between male and female individuals of a species.
? Females have a larger size than males. In some species, females are about double the size of a male spider.
? Male spiders usually possess colorful patterns and bright colors in order to attract females.
? In venomous species, female spiders are more poisonous and possess more venomous vesicles than males.
? In some species, female spiders have a much longer lifespan than males.


3. What Do Spiders Eat – Spider Diet – Spider Food
? Spiders are carnivores in nature and usually eat insects. 蜘蛛是自然界中的食肉动物,通常会吃昆虫。
? Web-spinning spiders usually eat flying insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, and moths. 蜘蛛通常吃飞虫,例如苍蝇,蚊子,蝴蝶和飞蛾。
? Some large spider species have also been observed eating other small animals like woodlice, millipedes, small frogs, lizards, and birds. 一些大型蜘蛛物种吃其他小动物,例如木虱,千足虫,小青蛙,蜥蜴和鸟类。
? Some spiders feed on the pollen caught in their webs. 一些蜘蛛以网中捕获的花粉为食。
? Spiders also eat their own old silk and have the ability to recycle its proteins for spinning new webs.蜘蛛还吃着自己的旧丝绸,并具有回收其蛋白质以纺制新网的能力。
? Some spiders are also observed eating dead insects and abandoned silk of other spider species.一些蜘蛛吃死虫和其他蜘蛛种类的废弃丝。
? Female spiders of most species kill and eat its relatively smaller sized male mate when he is approaching her for mating.雌性蜘蛛会杀死并吃掉它的雄性伴侣。

4. How Do Spiders Catch Their Prey – Spiders Prey
? Web-building spiders usually do not have good eyesight. They use the vibration of the web strands to detect the position of the prey. When prey become trapped in their webs, they wrap it in silk and turning it in a circular way until it is completely covered. 蜘蛛通常视力不好。他们利用网状线的振动来检测猎物的位置。当猎物被困在网中时,他们将其包裹在丝绸中,并以圆形方式转动,直到完全覆盖为止。
? Jumping spiders and other species that do not spin webs hunt their prey.
? Most of them are extremely active hunters and catch the prey with chasing and then pouncing on them from behind.他们会追赶猎物,然后从后面扑向猎物。
? Most spiders also inject venom into prey and make them unable to move.大多数蜘蛛还将毒液注入猎物,使它们无法移动。

Bolas spider
? Using bolas (a sticky blob of silk at the endpoint of a line) is a method of attracting the prey. When flying moths come near the bola, the spider snags it. This act is just like a fisherman snagging fish on the hook. 在蛛丝一端处有粘性的一团丝,当飞蛾靠近波拉时,蜘蛛会抓住它,就像一个渔夫在钩子上钩住鱼。

? Some spiders hunt along the edges of lakes or streams. They usually hunt with their forelegs and body within the water, while their back legs hold on to the shore. 一些蜘蛛沿着湖泊或溪流的边缘狩猎。他们通常在水里打猎前肢和身体,而后腿则保持在岸上。

? Some spiders build burrows with trap doors made up of vegetation, soil, and silk. The trap door is hinged with silk on one side and has a soil-like appearance when closed. The spider stays inside the burrow and waits for prey. When prey reaches near burrow, its movement disturbs the “trip” lines and spider detects its vibration and becomes . When the prey comes close to the trap door, the spider jumps out of its burrow and catch it. 有些蜘蛛用由植物,土壤和丝绸建造洞穴。 门的一侧用丝绸铰链连接,关闭时呈泥土状外观。蜘蛛留在洞穴内,等待猎物。当猎物到达洞穴附近时,它的运动会干扰“绊”线,并且蜘蛛会检测到它的振动并变得警觉。 当猎物接近陷阱门时,蜘蛛会从洞穴中跳出来并抓住它。

?Ogre-faced-spider: Look for a spider that's holding a web between its forelimbs while hanging upside down.



