Mandarins are smaller and oblate, unlike the spherical common oranges. The taste is considered sweeter and stronger than the common orange. The peel is thin, loose, with little white mesocarp, so they are usually easier to peel and to split into segments.
Tangerines are smaller and less rounded than the oranges. The taste is considered less sour, as well as sweeter and stronger, than that of an orange. A ripe tangerine is firm to slightly soft, and pebbly-skinned with no deep grooves, as well as orange in color. The peel is thin, with little bitter white mesocarp.
Clementines are the smallest variety of mandarin. Clementines have a loose skin that makes them easy to peel. All clementines are seedless. The average clementine is slightly sweeter than other mandarins.
People tend to use the word "orange" to describe any orange-coloured citrus fruit, including all varieties of mandarin, which, in turn, includes tangerines and clementines.