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#头条抄书打卡# 第148天


五年级上 Tt

taxi driver 出租车司机 He's a taxi driver. 他是一名出租车司机。

tailor 裁缝 She's a tailor. 她是一名裁缝。

traveler 旅行者, 旅行家,游客 I want to be a traveler. 我想成为一名旅行家。

tea 茶叶,茶 Next we put some tea in the teapot. 接下来我们往茶壶里放一些茶叶。

I'm making some tea. 我正在沏茶。

teapot 茶壶 He put the teapot on the table. 他把茶壶放在桌子上。

功夫茶 kungfu tea

tofu 豆腐 I like tofu too. 我也喜欢吃豆腐。

the internet 互联网,英特网 Sometimes I talk to them on the internet. 有时候我在网上和他们聊天。

toilet 马桶,厕所 Where's the toilet? 厕所在哪里?

traffic lights 交通信号灯 Turn left at the traffic lights. 在交通信号灯处向左拐。

trash bin 垃圾桶 In my room I have a trash bin. 我的房间里有一个垃圾桶。

team 队 Your team plays very well. 你们队踢得很好。


take 选择,购买,需要......时间 It only takes twenty minutes by bus. 坐公交车只需20分钟。Let's take the blue one. 我们要这件蓝色的。

take off 拿走 You shouldn't take the books off the shelves. 你不应该把书从书架上拿下来。

The plane took off despite the fog. 尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞。

talk 说话,谈话 Stop talking. 别说话。

teach 教 She teaches English. 她教英语。

tell 告诉,说 Can you tell me please? 你能告诉我吗?

throw away 把......扔掉 I throw it away into the fire. 我把它扔进火里。

It is a waste to throw away good food. 把好的食物扔掉是浪费。

travel 旅行 I want to travel around the world. 我想周游世界。

try on 试穿 Why not try on both? 何不两件都试穿一下?

virtual fitting solution 虚拟试装解决方案

tidy up 整理,收拾,使整洁 Then you are going to help me tidy up. 然后你们要帮我收拾干净。

tasty 好吃的,可口的 It's tasty. 真好吃。

true 真实的 That's true. 那是真的。

toothache 牙痛 I have a toothache. 我牙痛。

twice 两次 Wild geese change homes twice every year. 大雁一年迁徙两次。

third 第三 John came third. 约翰是第三名。

tenth 第十 who was tenth? 谁是第十名?

thirty-six 三十六 The other team got thirty-six points. 另外一队得了36分。

《三十六计》(Thirty-Six Stratagems )是有关战术的古书。

thousand 千 The table is one thousand yuan. 这张桌子1000元。



