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When you run a Vue project in development environment, everything works fine. However, when you deploy the project to the production environment after building it, you may encounter interface errors. There are several reasons that could lead to this issue, and we will analyze them in detail below, along with corresponding solutions.

vue error after packaging

Let's first clarify that Vue projects are usually built using Webpack, a tool that bundles and compresses project resources such as JavaScript, CSS, images, as well as processes Vue components, routes, and state management code. Interface errors may involve the following aspects:

1. Are the Interface Request Addresses Correct?

If the interface request address is a relative path after the build, it may cause the request to be sent to the wrong server address. In the development environment, the interface address might be /api, while in the production environment, it should be a complete URL like http://api.example.com.


Ensure to configure different interface request addresses in different environments. You can use environment variables to set this up, for example, configuring different proxies or API prefixes in the vue.config.js based on the environment.

2. Is it a Cross-Origin Issue?

Cross-origin request problems might occur after the build due to the browser's same-origin policy. If the production environment's interface and the frontend server's address are not from the same source, requests might be blocked by the browser.


Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on the production server to allow requests from specific sources.

Set up reverse proxy on the frontend server (like Nginx) to forward requests to the backend server.

3. Any Issues with Network Request Settings?

If the network request settings in the project are incorrect after the build, it might lead to interface errors such as incorrect request headers, or wrong request methods.


Check the request header settings to ensure the correct ContentType is sent, along with authentication information (like Tokens).

Verify if the request methods (GET, POST, etc.) align with the backend interface requirements.

Images used within the article can be found below:


As we can see from the analysis above, there are various reasons why Vue projects might encounter interface errors after being built. Resolving these issues requires a thorough investigation from multiple perspectives. In actual development, it is recommended to conduct comprehensive testing before building, including interface testing, performance testing, security testing, etc., to ensure the project runs smoothly after deployment to the production environment. Maintain good version control and documentation habits so that you can quickly identify and resolve issues when they arise.

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