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The text is an informative guide on how to set font size in PyQt5, a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework. It explains how to create a `QFont` object and set the font size using its `setPointSize()` method, which accepts an integer parameter representing the font size in points. Additionally, it explains how to apply the set font size to a specific widget (such as a label or button) using the widget's `setFont()` method. The guide provides a step-by-step example of creating a PyQt5 application with a label that displays the text "Hello, PyQt5!" with a font size of 14 points. Here's a summary of the guide: 1. **Create QFont Object:** A `QFont` object is created using the `QFont()` constructor to configure font settings. 2. **Set Font Size:** The font size is set using the `setPointSize()` method of the `QFont` object, passing the desired font size (e.g., 14) as an argument. 3. **Apply Font Size to a Widget:** The configured `QFont` object is applied to a specific widget (e.g., a `QLabel` object) using the widget's `setFont()` method. The guide includes a complete code example demonstrating how to create a PyQt5 application with a window containing a label with custom font settings. While the guide is straightforward and helpful for those looking to customize font size in PyQt5, it would benefit from including images to illustrate the process or final output. The guide can also include related topics such as different font styles and how to handle font changes dynamically within the application.





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