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1. 如何解决Oracle报错ORA-00001?防范数据库唯一约束冲突的有效策略 2. ORA-00001错误解析与应对策略:Oracle数据库唯一约束错误的完整解决方案

Ensure that table or column names are enclosed in double quotes (if necessary), "table_name"."column_name".

5. Check for correct table and column names in the SQL statement

Ensure that the referenced table and column names exist in the database.

If aliases are used, ensure that the aliases are defined correctly.

6. Check for other possible syntax errors in the SQL statement

If the above methods fail to resolve the issue, carefully examine other parts of the SQL statement for possible syntax errors.


Suppose we receive a SQL statement containing the ORA-00003 error:

oracle error
SELECT name, age FROM students WHERE id = 1;

We can perform checks as mentioned above:

1. Keyword spelling: All keywords are spelled correctly.

2. Keyword order: The order of keywords is correct.

3. Parentheses: No parentheses are required.

4. Quotation marks: No quotation marks are required.

5. Table and column names: The table name (students) and column names (name, age) are correct.

6. Other syntax errors: No other syntax errors are found.

After inspection, we find no obvious syntax errors in this SQL statement. If we still receive the ORA-00003 error when attempting to execute this SQL statement, we need to further examine the table structure and column names in the database, ensuring they match those referenced in the SQL statement. If inconsistencies are found, modify the table and column names in the SQL statement accordingly and retry execution.

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