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“APACHE无法启动?可能是pid文件损坏!如何修复 Apache 错误报告 AH00058和AH00059”

Apache HTTP Server is a widely used open-source web server that powers millions of websites across the globe. However, like any software, it can encounter issues during its operation. One such issue is the error code (20014), which typically appears as an "Internal error" with messages like AH00058 and AH00059. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive troubleshooting process for this specific issue, ensuring that your Apache server can be up and running smoothly again.

Web Server

Understanding the Error Messages

What do the error messages indicate?

The error messages associated with the (20014) internal error are:

AH00058: Error retrieving pid file logs/httpd.pid AH00059: Remove it before continuing if it is corrupted.

These messages indicate that Apache is unable to read or find its process identification (PID) file, which is crucial for managing the server processes. The PID file contains the identifier for the main Apache parent process, allowing Apache to control the start and stop of its child processes. If this file is missing or corrupted, Apache will fail to start.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check the PID File Location and Integrity

Firstly, ensure that the PID file location specified in the error message matches the configuration in the httpd.conf file. The path to the PID file is usually set in the httpd.conf file under the PidFile directive. Verify that this path is correct and that the file has the appropriate permissions for Apache to read and write to it.


2. Delete the Corrupted PID File

If the PID file is indeed corrupted or not needed, you can safely remove it. Use the following command:

sudo rm /path/to/httpd.pid

Make sure to replace /path/to/ with the actual path where the PID file is located.

3. Restart Apache

After removing the PID file, attempt to restart Apache using the appropriate command for your system. For example:

sudo service httpd restart


sudo systemctl restart httpd

4. Check Log Files for Further Issues

Even after resolving the PID file issue, there might be other underlying problems preventing Apache from starting. Check the error log files, usually located at /var/log/httpd/error_log, for any additional error messages that could provide clues to further issues.

5. Review Configuration Files

Sometimes, syntax errors or misconfigurations in the httpd.conf file or included configuration files can lead to startup failures. Carefully review these files for any mistakes or inconsistencies.

6. Ensure Necessary Modules are Enabled

Certain modules may be required for Apache to function correctly. Confirm that all necessary modules are loaded and enabled in the configuration files.

7. Check System Resources

Ensure that your server has adequate resources (CPU, memory, disk space) for Apache to operate. Low resources can prevent Apache from starting properly.


Q1: What should I do if deleting the PID file doesn't resolve the issue?

A1: If deleting the PID file doesn't resolve the issue, check the Apache error logs for more detailed information on the cause of the problem. Also, review the httpd.conf file for any misconfigurations, and ensure that all necessary modules are enabled.

Q2: Can I prevent this issue from happening again?

A2: Yes, you can take several precautions to prevent this issue from occurring again. Always make sure to back up your configuration files before making changes. Additionally, regularly review log files for any signs of potential issues, and keep your system updated with security patches and software updates to avoid corruption or security vulnerabilities.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the (20014) Internal error encountered by Apache HTTP Server, ensuring minimal disruption to your web services.

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