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1. 如何利用PHP实现发送短信到手机端?兼容MSGSMS对接教程 2. 你的短信发送功能需求被满足了吗?PHP实现短信发送功能的详细教程

In the modern era of the internet, SMS services have become an important means of communication between businesses and users. PHP, as a widely used server-side scripting language, can be used to integrate with various SMS service providers to enable SMS sending functionality. This article will demonstrate how to use PHP to integrate with MSGSMS and implement SMS sending functionality.

coding programming

Introduction to MSGSMS

MSGSMS is an open-source SMS service provider that offers a wide range of API interfaces to facilitate SMS sending functionality. With MSGSMS, we can send various types of SMS, such as single SMS, multiple SMS, and template SMS. MSGSMS also supports multiple SMS templates, allowing us to choose templates based on our specific needs.

Integrating MSGSMS with PHP for SMS Sending

1. Register an MSGSMS account

We need to register an account on the MSGSMS website and obtain an API key. After registration, log in to the MSGSMS backend and click on the "API Keys" option in the left menu bar to view our API key.

2. Install the MSGSMS PHP library

To facilitate the integration of MSGSMS with PHP, we can use the third-party MSGSMS PHP library. Use the following command in the command line to install:

composer require msgsms/msgsmsphp

3. Write PHP code to implement the SMS sending functionality

Next, we write PHP code to implement the SMS sending functionality. We need to include the MSGSMS PHP library:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

We create a function named sendSms to send SMS:

function sendSms($phoneNumber, $message) {    // Create an instance of MSGSMS client    $client = new MsgsmsClient('your_api_key');    // Set SMS parameters    $params = [        'to' => $phoneNumber, // Phone number to receive the SMS        'text' => $message, // SMS content    ];    // Call the sendMessage method to send the SMS    try {        $response = $client->sendMessage($params);        return $response;    } catch (Exception $e) {        echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();        return false;    }}

In the above code, we first create an instance of the MSGSMS client, then set the SMS parameters including the phone number to receive the SMS and the SMS content. We call the sendMessage method to send the SMS. If the sending is successful, this method will return an object containing the SMS sending result. If the sending fails, an exception will be thrown.

4. Call the sendSms function to send SMS

Now, we can call the sendSms function to send SMS. Let's send an SMS to the phone number 13800138000:

$phoneNumber = '13800138000';$message = 'Your verification code is: 123456. Please complete the verification within 5 minutes.';$response = sendSms($phoneNumber, $message);if ($response) {    echo 'SMS sent successfully!';} else {    echo 'Failed to send SMS!';}


When using PHP to integrate MSGSMS for SMS sending, there are a few considerations:

1. Make sure the MSGSMS PHP library is installed correctly. If not, you can use the command composer require msgsms/msgsmsphp to install it.

2. Make sure to obtain the API key correctly. You can find the API key in the "API Keys" option of the MSGSMS backend.

3. Ensure that the phone number receiving the SMS is correct. If the phone number is incorrect, the SMS will not be sent successfully.

4. Ensure that the SMS content complies with the rules of MSGSMS. If the SMS content violates the rules, the SMS will not be sent successfully.

5. If you need to send multiple SMS or template SMS, you can refer to the MSGSMS official documentation for modifications.


Q1: How can I obtain the API key?

A1: After registering an account on the MSGSMS website and logging in to the backend, click on the "API Keys" option in the left menu bar to view the API key.

Q2: How can I determine if the SMS sending is successful?

A2: After calling the sendMessage method to send the SMS, the method will return an object containing the SMS sending result. We can check the properties of this object to determine if the SMS sending is successful. If the value of the status property is success, it means the SMS sending is successful. If the value of the status property is failure, it means the SMS sending has failed.

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