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Huawei ServiceStage is a service orchestration and task scheduling platform provided by Huawei Cloud. It helps users automate a series of complex tasks. In Python, we can use the SDK provided by Huawei to operate ServiceStage.


Here are some basic usage methods:

1. Installing the SDK

We need to install Huawei's SDK, which can be done using pip:

pip install huaweicloudsdkcore

pip install huaweicloudsdkservicestage

2. Initializing the Client

After installing the SDK, we need to initialize a client and provide Huawei Cloud's AK, SK, and project ID:

from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials

from huaweicloudsdkservicestage.v3.region.region_provider import RegionProvider

credentials = BasicCredentials(

ak='your_ak', # Your AK

sk='your_sk' # Your SK


region = RegionProvider.get_region('cnnorth1')

client = Client(credentials, region)

3. Creating a ServiceStage Project

Using the client, we can create a ServiceStage project:

from huaweicloudsdkservicestage.v3.model.create_project_request import CreateProjectRequest

request = CreateProjectRequest()

request.name = 'my_project' # Project name

request.description = 'This is my project.' # Project description

response = client.create_project(request)


4. Listing all ServiceStage Projects

from huaweicloudsdkservicestage.v3.model.list_project_request import ListProjectRequest

request = ListProjectRequest()

response = client.list_project(request)


The above are just the basic usage methods. ServiceStage also provides many other features, such as creating and managing workflows, defining and running tasks, etc. For detailed usage methods, please refer to Huawei Cloud's official documentation.

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