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1. "What Is Ansible Playbook and How to Use It? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners" 2. &q

Ansible playbook "main_Ansible" is a powerful configuration management tool that automates the deployment, configuration, and management of applications across multiple servers. It simplifies the process by using YAML files to define tasks and roles, allowing for easy customization and reusability. This playbook can be executed on any machine with Ansible installed, making it an essential tool for managing complex IT infrastructures.

ansible playbook main_Ansible

In this document, we provide a sample Ansible playbook called "main_Ansible." The purpose of this playbook is to deploy a web application on target hosts.

Directory Structure

    ├── playbook.yml
    ├── roles/
    │   ├── common/
    │   │   ├── tasks/
    │   │   │   └── main.yml
    │   │   └── vars/
    │   │       └── main.yml
    │   └── webapp/
    │       ├── tasks/
    │       │   ├── install_dependencies.yml
    │       │   ├── setup_webapp.yml
    │       │   └── start_webapp.yml
    │       └── vars/
    │           └── main.yml
    └── hosts.ini

Main Components


This is the main playbook file that defines the tasks and roles to be executed. In this example, we use two roles: "common" and "webapp".

    name: Deploy Web Application
    hosts: webservers
      - common
      - webapp


ansible playbook main_Ansible

This role contains some common tasks such as installing Python and updating software packages. These tasks will run before any other role.

    name: Install Python and Update Packages
      update_cache: yes
      upgrade: yes
      cache_valid_time: 3600


This role contains variables used to configure the common tasks. You can set software package sources in this file.

    source_list: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse"


This role contains tasks to install dependencies required for the web application. In this example, we install Nginx and Gunicorn.

    name: Install Nginx and Gunicorn Dependencies
      name: ["nginx", "gunicorn"]
      state: present


This role contains tasks to set up the web application. In this example, we create a new Nginx configuration file and restart Nginx.

ansible playbook main_Ansible
    name: Create Nginx Configuration for Web App
      src: nginx_config.j2
      dest: /etc/nginx/sitesavailable/webapp.conf
      mode: 0644
      owner: root
      group: root
      validate: nofollowsymlinks
      create: yes
      force: yes
      backup: yes
      enable: yes
      state: directory
      recurse: yes
      use_module: default
      allow_world_readable: no
      allow_world_writeable: no
      allow_anon_write: no
      anon_owner: root
      anon_group: root
      anon_mode: 0644
      anon_umask: 0000
      anon_rw_device: null
      anon_create_device: null
      anon_dir_owner: root
      anon_dir_group: root
      anon_dir_mode: 0755
      anon_dir_umask: 0000
      anon_symlink_expiration: 0
      anon_mkdir_p_privileges: 0
      anon_mknod_mode: 0600
      anon_fcronjob_user: root
      anon_fcronjob_group: root
      anon_max_requests: 1024
      anon_max_instances: 512
      anon_keepalive_timeout: 5
      anon_keepalive_requests: 10
      anon_http_timeout: 300
      anon_tcp_nodelay: yes
      anon_client_body_timeout: 300
      anon_client_header_timeout: 15
      anon_sendfile: yes
      anon_tcp_nopush: yes
      anon_fastcgi_connect_timeout: 300
      anon_fastcgi_read_timeout: 300
      anon_fastcgi_send_timeout: 300
      anon_fastcgi_buffers: 8
      anon_fastcgi_buffer_size: 1k
      anon_fastcgi_busy_buffers_size: 1k
      anon_fastcgi_temp_file_write_size: 1k
      anon_fastcgi_next_upstream_timeout: 1k

In conclusion, the Ansible playbook "main_Ansible" is a versatile tool for automating configuration management. It allows for efficient deployment, configuration, and management of web applications. By utilizing roles, tasks, and variables, complex IT infrastructures can be effectively managed. Feel free to explore and customize the playbook according to your specific needs.



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