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In the environment of big data, the establishment of a security control system is crucial. The following are detailed descriptions of core security control strategies:

1. What is the role of data classification and label management in security control?

Category Description Example
Public Data Data that can be publicly accessed Company news releases
Internal Data Data accessible only to company employees Employee personal information
Sensitive Data Data requiring special protection Customer credit card information
Confidential Data Data crucial for company operations Business strategy documents

2. How does access control contribute to security?

Role-based access control (RBAC): Permissions are assigned based on user roles.

Least privilege principle: Users can only access data necessary for their tasks.

Multi-factor authentication: Enhances security by combining passwords, biometrics, and other verification methods.

3. What are the different aspects of data encryption?

Data Encryption

Static data encryption: Data is encrypted during storage.

Dynamic data encryption: Data is encrypted during transmission.

Key management: Secure key management strategies prevent key leakage.

4. How does security monitoring and auditing contribute to data protection?

Real-time monitoring: Observing system activities to detect abnormal behavior in a timely manner.

Log auditing: Recording and analyzing system logs to track potential security events.

Intrusion detection system (IDS): Automatically identifies malicious activities or unauthorized operations.

Security Monitoring

5. What measures are implemented for data loss prevention?

Content recognition: Identifying sensitive data and preventing unauthorized transmission.

Policy enforcement: Formulating and enforcing data usage policies.

Endpoint protection: Safeguarding data stored on endpoint devices.

6. What does the emergency response plan involve?

Incident response team: Establishing a dedicated team to address security events.

Scenario drills: Periodically conducting simulated exercises for security incidents.

Recovery plan: Ensuring rapid data recovery in case of critical data loss.

7. What role does legal compliance and standards play in security control?

Regulatory compliance: Adhering to relevant information security laws and regulations.

Industry standards: Adhering to international security management standards like ISO 27001.

Contract management: Ensuring vendors and partners comply with security requirements.

Implementing these strategies effectively enhances the security control level in the big data environment, safeguarding enterprise data privacy and security.

Below is an example introduction about "Security Control Strategies for Big Data Security Control Systems":

Number Strategy Category Strategy Name Strategy Description Applicable Scenario
1 Access Control Strategy Identity Authentication Verify user identity to ensure that only legitimate users can access big data system resources. When all users access the big data system
2 Access Control Strategy Permission Control Limit user access and operation of big data system resources based on user roles and permissions. When users access specific data resources
3 Data Encryption Strategy Data Transmission Encryption Encrypt data during the transmission process to prevent data interception and leakage. When data is transmitted over the Internet
4 Data Encryption Strategy Data Storage Encryption Encrypt data stored on disks to prevent unauthorized access to data at the physical level. When data is stored on local disks or cloud storage
5 Security Audit Strategy Operation Audit Record all user operations in the big data system for post-audit and analysis purposes. When all users operate the big data system
6 Security Audit Strategy Data Audit Audit data access, modification, deletion operations to ensure data integrity and security. When data is accessed, modified, or deleted
7 Firewall Strategy Intrusion Detection Real-time monitoring of network traffic through the firewall to identify and block malicious attacks. Network perimeter protection
8 Firewall Strategy Firewall Rule Setting Set firewall rules according to business needs and security policies to filter illegal access requests. Network perimeter protection
9 Backup Recovery Strategy Data Backup Regularly backup data in the big data system for recovery in case of data loss or damage. Daily operation of the data center
10 Backup Recovery Strategy Data Recovery Utilize backup data to recover in case of data loss or damage to ensure data integrity. When data is lost or damaged

This introduction is only an example. Specific security control strategies need to be adjusted and optimized according to the business needs, security standards, and actual scenarios of the enterprise.

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