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In recent years, the demand in the market has been increasing, mainly due to China's expanding international business activities. Many Chinese websites have also added English versions to cater to the global audience. However, the browsing habits of foreigners and Chinese people differ significantly. If websites are not tailored to suit the preferences of foreign users, the primary audience might still be Chinese. So, what are the key differences between English and Chinese websites? How are they interconnected, and what should be done to understand their distinctions?

Design Variations

English websites generally feature a clean and minimalist design, creating a simple yet impactful first impression. However, the disparities between English and Chinese websites go beyond aesthetics. English websites often utilize more diverse layouts, with specific norms for listing and detail pages. While Chinese websites commonly follow an L-shaped layout, English websites may incorporate M-shaped, L-shaped, or N-shaped designs. With advanced website development technologies abroad, creative designers often craft personalized webpage layouts that embrace a sleek architecture, offering a sense of creativity and innovation.

Emphasis on Contact Integration

Another notable distinction lies in the integration of contact information, a feature that Chinese websites have adopted from foreign counterparts. Initially inspired by English websites, elements such as QQ login and QQ sharing gradually found their place in Chinese websites, showcasing a trend toward embedding contact details in a manner similar to foreign practices.

Divergence in Homepage Design

The most significant contrast emerges in the homepage design, a distinction that has become more pronounced in recent years. Initially, Chinese websites mirrored the standard layout of English websites. However, as China's internet technology advanced, the evolution of multiple pages and formats began to differentiate Chinese websites significantly from their English counterparts.

For further reading, you may be interested in topics such as "Considerations for Domain Name Replacement," "Optimal Strategies for Sharing Website Backlinks," "Inclusive Elements of Brand Planning (Brand Promotion Strategy)," and "Managing Website Domain Changes and Redesigns." These insights into the variances between constructing English and Chinese websites may prove beneficial to you. Don't forget to bookmark this page for future reference!

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