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1. Alma Linux中的软件包管理工具是什么?完整指南带你轻松上手 2. 探索Alma Linux中的软件包管理工具:从入门到精通

Alma Linux is an open-source enterprise-grade Linux distribution based on CentOS 8, inheriting many features from CentOS, including its package management tool. In Alma Linux, the primary tool for managing packages is dnf, which stands for Dandified YUM (DNF).

Alma Linux中的软件包管理工具是什么Alma Linux软件包管理工具

What Makes dnf Different From yum?

dnf was introduced in CentOS 8 to replace the old yum tool. Compared to yum, dnf offers faster execution speed, more efficient dependency resolution algorithms, and a more flexible plugin system.

How to Install Packages Using dnf?

The basic command format for installing packages with dnf is:

sudo dnf install package_name

If you want to install httpd (Apache Web Server), you can run:

sudo dnf install httpd

When you execute this command, dnf will resolve package dependencies and prompt you to confirm the installation of all related dependencies. Enter y and press Enter to proceed with the installation.

How to Update Packages?

To update all packages in the system to the latest version, you can use the following command:

sudo dnf update

If you only want to update a specific package, you can specify the package name:

sudo dnf update package_name

How to Remove Packages?

To remove a package from the system, you can use the following command:

sudo dnf remove package_name

How to List Available Packages?

If you want to view a list of all available packages, you can use the list command:

dnf list available

How to Search for Packages?

If you are unsure of a package's name or want to find a package with specific functionality, you can use the search command:

dnf search keyword

To search for packages related to "web server," you can run:

dnf search web server

How to View Package Details?

To get detailed information about a specific package, such as description, version, release date, etc., you can use the info command:

dnf info package_name

How to Check Package Dependencies?

If you want to know which other packages a package depends on, or which packages depend on it, you can use the deplist command:

dnf repoquery requires package_name   # Show required dependencies
dnf repoquery whatrequires package_name  # Show who relies on it

How to Clean Cache?

dnf downloads many RPM packages to the local cache when installing or updating packages. Over time, this cache can become large. You can use the clean command to remove unnecessary cache files:

sudo dnf clean all


dnf in Alma Linux is a powerful and flexible package management tool that provides users with a plethora of options to install, update, remove, and manage packages effectively. By following this tutorial, you should be able to grasp the basic usage of dnf and efficiently manage the packages in your Alma Linux system. Remember, dnf has many advanced features and options that you can explore further by reading the official manual page man dnf or visiting the dnf documentation page.

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