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On May 5th, in a recent episode of CCTV's program "Dialogue", Chery Automobile's Chairman, Yin Tongyue, responded to the reason why he personally went live on air. Yin Tongyue stated that his decision to do live stream is a typical case of being "hijacked". He felt hijacked by the industry and even by his own young employees. He jokingly said, "I am being forced to promote my own products at the age of over 60. However, in today's era, this is an interesting thing, painful but fun." Recently, the term "Yin Tongyue's hair turned white" has trended on Weibo. Many netizens have expressed their sentiments. The host of the show mentioned that his hair had turned white a few years ago, and behind this trending topic is a heartwarming observation: although his hair has turned white, his leadership has rejuvenated the company. Yin Tongyue also commented on the situation, saying that "it's not easy for leaders in the automobile industry, many might have white hair but some might have dyed it."



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