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It seems like the text you provided is discussing various developments and strategies related to Apple's AI and hardware projects. Here is a summary of the key points mentioned in the text: 1. Apple's AI and AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Graphics Code) projects are becoming crucial for the company's future growth as other hardware projects face challenges. 2. Despite a decline in iPhone sales and revenue, Apple remains optimistic about the potential of AI technologies to drive innovation and growth. 3. Apple's focus on services continues to be a bright spot in its financial reports, with record-breaking revenue from services in the first quarter. 4. Apple's struggles in the global smartphone market, especially in China, where competition from local manufacturers has intensified. 5. The company is shifting resources from the discontinued car project to AI development, including a significant round of layoffs to streamline operations and cut costs. 6. Apple is expected to launch AI-driven hardware devices, starting with a new iPad Pro powered by the M4 chip, emphasizing the integration of AI capabilities across its product lineup. 7. The upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June will be a key event for Apple to showcase its AIGC capabilities and introduce new software tools and features. 8. Apple is rumored to be in talks with various partners, including Google and Chinese companies like Baidu, to integrate advanced AI technologies into future products like the iPhone 16 series and Mac systems. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!



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