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Based on the information provided in the content you shared: Udio is an AI music generation tool that helps users create unique music compositions using advanced algorithms. Recently, Udio announced a major update, including enhancements such as duration extension and a new historical track structure. Key highlights of the update include: 1. **Duration Extension:** Udio's AI music generator can now produce longer music segments. The previous duration limit of 30 seconds has been extended to 2 minutes, resulting in smoother and more complete music creations. Additionally, users can now generate music pieces up to 15 minutes long, providing more possibilities for creating longer musical works. 2. **Historical Track Structure:** To assist users in better managing and organizing their music compositions, Udio introduced an innovative tree-like historical track structure. This new feature allows users to navigate and track their creative journey in an intuitive and structured manner. 3. **Trimming Support:** In this update, Udio also added trimming functionality during music generation. Users can now finely edit the generated music, enabling easy expansion from any part of the track or removal of unwanted sections from the beginning. These updates not only enhance the quality and length of music generation but also greatly improve the user's creative experience by introducing new management tools and editing capabilities. These improvements position Udio as an ideal choice for music creators and enthusiasts looking to explore new realms of music composition. If you are interested in exploring Udio and its features further, you can access the product through the following link: [Udio Tool](https://top.aibase.com/tool/udio).



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